Thanks for taking a look at my ad. This is a set of EBC heavy duty. Clutch friction plates and clutch springs.
Part number CK3459 and CSK124, to fit the. EBC clutch friction plates are al. Most identical to original equipment clutch plates, and are a cork based product impregnated with aluminium particles to decrease wear and increase heat resistance. The material is highly compressed to avoid swell and clutch drag and is an ideal general purpose replacement material for all grades and sizes of motorcycle. Please note, for the standard CK series friction plates, EBC Brakes do not recommend the use of fully synthetic oil as this can cause your clutch to slip.
The kit contains 9 plates (8+1); please note in some model applications, not all plates will be required. EBC heavy duty clutch springs are stiffer than the standard OE springs, which may result in a slightly'heavier' feel.
The pack contains 5 springs; please note, in some model applications, not all springs will be required. Please note, the kit does not include the clutch steel plates. Any questions, please feel free to contact me.