(Mon - Fri 9.00-4.30 est). Send through your VIN number for an accurate check on your vehicles clutch kit. We are an independent clutch kit and flywheel specialist store.
Our team can help you choose the correct clutch kit and or flywheel to suit your specific application. Please send us your Registration details and or VIN number. We sell all the major clutch brands including Exedy, Blusteele, Mantic & Xtreme. Whether it be you daily driver, track car or bush trekker, please let us help you find the right clutch kit for you. We are also hoping to soon have a warehouse in North Queensland to help our valued customers get faster service. We fully understand that mistakes happen and you may need to return you clutch kit for on reason o another. Join Our Exclusive Newsletter For Up To Date News, Special Offers And New Arrivals. 4 x 4 Clutch Kits. Get in touch with us.Great Northern Clutch Archerfield, Queensland 4108.